When I was in my early 20s, I had a chance meeting with some people… Read the postUnderstanding Your Audience
Tours come in all different shapes and sizes. Whether its a world tour or just… Read the postHow To Setup A Tour
In short, advertising is a type of promotion and promotion is anything done to get… Read the postAdvertising vs promotion
I really can be. To understand why is understanding first how paying to play is… Read the postWhy Pay to Play Can Be Good
This is one of the most misunderstood topics that rarely gets addressed and talked about… Read the postReturn on Investment
Many moons ago, artists would seek out a record label in hopes of getting a… Read the postREINVESTMENT
Hard work seems like it should pay off and sometimes what may be needed at… Read the postWorking Smarter, Not Harder
If you have 100,000 t-shirts with no graphics, in a common color and cut etc… Read the postHow Scarcity Creates Value
The marketing genius Seth Godin (you should know this person) points out specifically in his… Read the postwAYS TO MAKE MONEY FROM UNIQUE MERCH
Here are some topics I’m looking to tackle in blogs/vlogs/stories, etc. but let me know… Read the postIdeas for blog posts